




교육과정과목번호, 교과목명, 교과목명(영문), 과정구분, 이수구분, 시간, 학점, 비고로 구성된 교육과정 안내표
과목번호 교과목명 교과목명(영문) 이수구분 학점
52708 박사논문연구 I Dissertation research I 공통필수 2
52709 박사논문연구 II Dissertation research II 공통필수 2
52601 석사논문연구 Dissertation research 공통필수 2
54228 3D프린팅과신소재특론 3D printing and materials 전공선택 3
54013 3D프린팅특론 3D프린팅 특론 전공선택 3
54935 AI화공생물공정 AI Chemical and Bioprocess Engineering 전공선택 3
54456 BT연구실습코치1 Biotechnology Research Practice1 Coach 전공선택 3
54457 BT연구실습코치2 Biotechnology Research Practice2 Coach 전공선택 3
54509 BioMEMS및반도체공정특론 Advanced BioMEMS and semiconductor process 전공선택 3
54503 감염면역학및백신학특론 Advanced Course of Vaccinology and Infectious Immunology 전공선택 3
52984 공업약학 특론 Advanced industrial pharmacy 전공선택 3
53512 과학글쓰기 Scientific Writing 전공선택 3
52707 과학논문작성법 Writing and Publishing a Scientific Paper 전공선택 3
54957 구조생물학특론 Structural Biology in Biomedicine and Biotechnology 전공선택 3
54508 나노바이오융합특론 Advanced Nanobiotechnology 전공선택 3
53963 논문지도콜로퀴엄 Philosophy colloquium 전공선택 0
53881 단백질분리특론 Advanced Protein Purificatin 전공선택 3
52881 단백질전달공학특론 Advanced engineering for protein delivery 전공선택 3
52648 단위공정 특론 Advanced Unit 전공선택 3
53319 당생물학특론 Advanced Glycobiology 전공선택 3
53944 독성학특론 Advanced Toxicology 전공선택 3
52625 동물생명공학특론 Advanced Animal Biotechnology 전공선택 3
52882 물리약학특론 Advanced physical phatmacy 전공선택 3
52628 물리화학특론 Physical Chemistry 전공선택 3
52606 미생물생리공학특론 Advanced Microbial Physio-Technology 전공선택 3
54339 미세유체시스템 및 제형학특론 Advanced Microfluidics and formulations 전공선택 3
54499 바이오리파이너리특론 Biorefinery 전공선택 3
52614 바이오벤처입문특론 Introduction to Bio-Venture Industry 전공선택 2
52618 바이오센서특론 Advanced Biosensors 전공선택 3
52987 바이오에너지공학특론 Advanced Bioenergy Engineering 전공선택 3
54340 바이오이미징특론 Biological Imaging Technology 전공선택 3
54510 바이오이차전지소재특론 Advanced Biological Secondary Battery Material 전공선택 3
54505 바이오전기화학특론 Advanced Bioelectrochemistry 전공선택 3
54507 바이오전자소자특론 Advanced Bioelectronics 전공선택 3
52712 바이오칩 특론 Advanced Class for Bio-chip 전공선택 3
54343 바이오헬스프로젝트중심학습1 Biohealth Project Based Learning1 전공선택 3
54344 바이오헬스프로젝트중심학습2 Biohealth Project Based Learning2 전공선택 3
52885 바이오화장품특론 Biocosmetics 전공선택 3
53640 박사연구프로젝트1 Doctorate Research Project1 전공선택 3
53641 박사연구프로젝트2 Doctorate Research Project2 전공선택 3
54210 반응공학특론 Advanced Reaction Engineering 전공선택 3
52608 발효공학특론 Fermentation technology 전공선택 3
52620 발효의약품특론 Advanced Fermentative Pharmaceutics 전공선택 3
54221 백신신소재개발특론 Advanced development of novel vaccine materials 전공선택 3
54566 백신신소재개발특론 Advanced Materials for Vaccines 전공선택 3
54014 분석화학특론 Advanced Analytical Chemistry 전공선택 3
52596 분자바이러스학특론 Advanced Molecular Virology 전공선택 3
53560 분자생물학특론 Advanced Molecular Biology 전공선택 3
52706 분자세포생물학 특론 Advanced Molecular Cell Biology 전공선택 3
52605 산업효소공학특론 Advanced Industrial Enzyme Technology 전공선택 3
54765 생명정보학특론 Advanced Bioinformatics 전공선택 3
52609 생물분리공학특론 Advanced Bioseparation Technology 전공선택 3
52612 생물소재응용공학특론 Biomaterials Application Technology 전공선택 3
52884 생물식스시그마특론 Bio-Six-sigma 전공선택 3
52594 생물약제학특론 Advanced Biopharmaceutics 전공선택 3
52725 생물유기화학특론 Advanced organic chemistry 전공선택 3
54342 생물전환공학특론 Advanced Biocatalysis and Biotransformation 전공선택 3
52615 생물정보학특론 Advanced Bioinformatics 전공선택 3
52613 생물화학공학특론 Advanced Biochemical Engineering 전공선택 3
52624 생체막론 Advanced Biological Membrane 전공선택 3
54220 생체모방학특론 Advanced Biomimetics 전공선택 3
52650 생체분자구조분석학특론 Advanced Instrumental Analysis of Biomolecules 전공선택 3
52621 생체에너지대사론 Biological Energy Metabolism 전공선택 3
54341 생체재료 및 바이오프린팅특론 Biomaterials and 3D printing 전공선택 3
52627 생체재료공학특론 Advanced Biomaterial Engineering 전공선택 3
52981 생체환원력대사론 Reducing power metabolism 전공선택 3
53618 석사연구프로젝트 Master’s Research Project 전공선택 3
52611 세포배양공학특론 Advanced Cyto-Cutivation Technology 전공선택 3
54504 세포생물의약특론 Advanced Cell Biological Therapeutics 전공선택 3
53786 세포치료와 줄기세포 Cellular therapy and stem cell 전공선택 3
54764 세포치료학특론 Advanced Cell Therapy 전공선택 3
52982 시스템생명공학 Systems Biology and Biotechnology 전공선택 3
52626 식물생명공학특론 Advanced Plant Biotechnology 전공선택 3
54502 식물생명공학특론2 Advanced Plant Biotechnology 2 전공선택 3
52604 식품생명공학특론 Advanced Food Biotechnology 전공선택 3
54227 신호전달학특론 Advanced Signal Transduction 전공선택 3
54218 실험기법실험 Advanced Technique Teaching Lab 전공선택 3
54224 암동물모델개발 Development of Cancer Animal Model 전공선택 3
52595 약물전달학특론 Advanced Drug Delivery System 전공선택 3
54219 연구장비특론 Advanced Instrumentation 전공선택 3
54225 오가노이드학 Organoid Technology 전공선택 3
52607 유전공학특론 Advanced Genetic Engineering 전공선택 3
52711 유전자재조합의약품 특론 Advanced Recombinant Protein Pharmaceuticals 전공선택 3
52598 유전체학및단백질체학특론 Genomics and Proteomics 전공선택 3
52610 응용면역학특론 Advanced Applied Immunology 전공선택 3
52602 응용생화학특론 Applied Biochemistry 전공선택 3
53943 의약품의독성시험방법론 Nonclinical toxicity study of new drugs 전공선택 3
53513 의약효소공학 Medical Enzyme Technology 전공선택 3
53360 인체생리학특론 Advanced Human Physiology 전공선택 3
54012 재료공학특론 Materials science and engineering 전공선택 3
54506 전기화학센서특론 Advanced Electrochemical Sensor 전공선택 3
54500 제약고분자물성특론 Pharmaceutical Advanced Polymer Property 전공선택 3
54501 제약고분자화학특론 Pharmaceutical Advanced polymer chemistry 전공선택 3
53361 조직공학특론 Advanced Tissue Engineering 전공선택 3
54763 종양면역학특론 Advanced Cancer Immunology 전공선택 3
54226 줄기세포학특론 Advanced Stem Cell Biology 전공선택 3
54766 지질생화학 및 생명공학 Lipids Biochemistry and Biotechnology 전공선택 3
53919 진화공학특론 Advanced evolution technology 전공선택 3
53785 질환동물모델 연구 Animal disease models 전공선택 3
54229 차세대인공장기개발특론 Development of artifical organ 전공선택 3
54356 창업과기업가정신 Startups and entrepreneurship 전공선택 3
54567 천연물소재나노가공공학특론 Advanced Natural Materials Nanoprocessing & Engineering 전공선택 3
52616 천연생리활성물질특론 Advanced Natural Bioactive Substances 전공선택 3
54933 첨단 식물 바이오테크놀로지 논문 리뷰 Advanced Plant Biotechnology Literature Review 전공선택 3
54934 첨단바이오산업 Advanced biopharmaceutical industry 전공선택 3
54223 치료용항체개발특론 Advanced Therapeutic Antibody Engineering 전공선택 3
54458 콜로퀴엄 Biotechnology Colloquium 전공선택 2
52617 탄수화물공학특론 Carbohydrate Engineering and Glycobiology 전공선택 3
52644 환경기기분석학 특론 Envirnmental Analytical Chemistry 전공선택 3
52646 환경모니터링 Environmental Monitoring 전공선택 3
52631 환경미생물학특론 Advanced Environmental Microbiology 전공선택 3
52645 환경복원공학 Bioremediation 전공선택 3
52640 환경생명공학특론 Advanced Environmental Biotechnology 전공선택 3
52637 환경생태학특론 Advanced Environmental Ecology 전공선택 3
52623 효소인공진화론 Molecular Evolution of Enzyme 전공선택 3
54222 후성유전체학 Epigenetics 전공선택 3
54232 휴먼&AI Human & AI 전공선택 3